• Center for Leadership Excellence

Character: An Important Attribute for Leaders

As leaders we are challenged daily with many ethical decisions. Our character is what helps us to build trust with others which leads to committed, motivated individuals. When we do not make ethical decisions our image is tarnished. Character is neither good nor bad, but rather as leaders we need to find the balance between … Continue reading

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Leadership 2.0: Time for Change

The International Leadership Association’s annual meeting is being held in Boston, MA, October 27-30, 2010. There is still time to register. To register please visit http://www.ila-net.org/. This years conference topic is “Time for Change”.

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Women In Leadership Poll

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The Center for Leadership Excellence is currently located in Pembroke, Massachusetts. The company is engaged in leadership training and consultation services; coaching and mentoring services; grant writing and training services; and consultation in evaluation services. This blog was developed to discuss leadership topics. We hope you enjoy!

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